Wednesday, January 31, 2007

dear ppl,

wait a min......why the heck so formal?
good point thr?
great now im toking to myself....=D
anyway time to work on my second post...haha
so hows competition u may ask?
so far so gd my string broke...
this may sound back but actually its a pretty gd thing to
we thrashed every f'kin sch that stood in our way so far all 5-0
hopefully we will continue prevailing till the end of east zone and grab that f'kin 1st place trophy
wow mr tan showed the class a vid
its abt the tsunami in sri lanka and other parts of the world...
why the wow?
well bcos it changed my mood throughout the day
i mean that the vid was really just so emotional
it was like a whole wave of emotions scanned throuh my brain for that dunno abt 10 mins
guilt sadness anger tears devastated and more
but only one escaped my mind and that was happiness...
to be frank i really felt like crawling into a hole and crying but as u know
i couldnt....
comeon i mean u dun expect me to humiliate myself in front of my entire class rite?
"LOLS"quote jing lu...haha nice one jing lu!
he always disturbs my sleep!(in class)..thanks alot
no really i mean it ....THANKS!
he always says that if i fall asleep now i would nvr wake up again
and 10 mins ltr he falls asleep....

well....that abt all i can say for today gotta go do hw(wad a lie!)

Peace reigned supreme again | 5:28 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

write about anything i like right?
okay this should be a absolute ball of fun or will it only be a waste of time?
well lets find out then.....
since i dun really have much experiences i want to talk about why not talk about things i dun like.....
lets see...what do i not like....oh yes! i ve got something!
its about my 1st tournament match on 25/1...
WOW!that was one of the most disturbing days of my LIFE!
well, it all started when everyone started arriving to watch the match.
AHS was facing PY sec(it wasnt much of a match btw but dun tell anyone i said that).
after my match, i sat down to support my fellow teammates. as i got more bore and more bored of the match as we were owning their butts,
suddenly i saw that this guy jump up and as he land his shirt was still up and to my horror his pants were so f'kin low that his butt crack was showing,
wow man no one could have missed it even if they wanted to i mean it was so f'kin obvious that it disturbed me for the rest of the day week and month(thank goodness there were only a few days left in the month of january).
wow after the whole match against PY was over the players of PY sec all started to play around all over the guy was facing the mirror(wow thats weird...)
and doing certain moves while looking at himself like a hyena ready to eat a baby animal and i just finished refilling my water when i walked in and guess what
the butt crack boy was standing right infront of me playing with his teammates and
what a coincidence he just happened to jump and well
unfortunatlely i just happened to see his butt crack .....AGAIN!
now i was seriously wondering whether he really was wearing underwear....
and thank goodness that was the last of him...
till next monday our next match and i swear that i will never watch PY sec play ever again...

well here you go mr Tan =D

Peace reigned supreme again | 5:46 AM

< My name? >

!Zhi yang!=D

scroll down for music

< Wish >

*Let my parents and brother stay happy for the rest of thier lifes*

< Favs >

1.gundam seed destiny



4.animals i think?

< Despices >

1.ppl who try to act cool

2.actually i try not to hate too many so i ll stop here

< History >

>came from a family of badminton players

>a little racist

January 2007

February 2007

April 2007

June 2007

August 2007

< Class link(able to find everyone's blog from this >

*class blog*

< Credits >

@. Blogger .@
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< Noise >

< Chatty >

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