Saturday, February 24, 2007

Today's topic is on CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!
hanging, gullotine, gas chamber and electric chair and more
i didnt get to noe abt any of these things till now
and let me tell u it really rock my world...
im suppose to say whther im against or for this form of action
but it really took me quite sometime to decide
after watching the movie GREEN MILE
why did it take so long to think abt?
well its bcos of wad happened to john coffey and wild bill
they are like two sides of a coin, one so evil and one so pure
i mean no one would ever wan to see a person die bcos he or she was wrongly accused
and the real criminal gets away wif it clean
well so i tot over it long and clearly
and i've come to the conclusion that im against CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!

I think that there are betta ways of dealing wif criminals other than using the painful and cruel... CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!
how u may ask?....

here's my very 1st point
well after thinking abt S'pore
and her 'popular' way of hanging
as well as her ageing population
why hasnt anyone ever tot of letting criminals go to war as the frontline of defence for S'pore?
i mean juz let them rot in jail for wad they did or not let them go to war if any comes up
this way they coul do something for their country and maybe redeem themselves...
a little ini wini bit
and oso S'pore's ageing population weakens her defence
so instead of 'helping' the problem why dont we really help it
by not killing anymore and planning to see wad to do wif the criminals...
there u go isnt that a solution?

Here's my 2nd point for why im against CAPITAL PUNISHMENT..
ask urself these questions
1. are we all equal beings?
2. do we have the right to take others life for wad we think they did or wad they really did?
dont u all agree that we DO NOT?
dont u all agree that the only one that can take away one's life is she or he themselves?
think abt it thoroughly and...
u realize u dont
so why do we all still have this form of punishment?

now for the 3rd point of my stand against CAPITAL PUNISHMENT
=>wad if the 'criminal is wrongly accused?
like john coffey?
a completely innocent and working miracle killed?
think abt it...would u feel angry ?
a human being...a equal being
killed for wad he or she has not really done...
its juz wrong
and it should nvr happen in S'pore
or in any other countries in the world
here's another case
=>wad if the criminal killed or commited a crime to help ...
a fren?a kin?a brother?a sister?or any other person wif relations?
dun u think that they shouldnt be killed?
and its the one who they did it for that should be
all these problems could be solved wif more time...
many ppl who were wrongly accused could be proven innocent once again

This is my last point...
this may sound a little ridiculous
but trust me it makes sense
victims of murder....have u ever tot that maybe they did not wan the murderer to die?
i mean dont u think that maybe the victim could have forgiven the murderer
for some reason?
maybe like the killer was doing it for a fren and the last point?
and oso the point of life sometimes is to juz forgive and forget
im quite sure that many criminals are like Del

And so my conclusion is that im against CAPITAL PUNISHMENT
and S'pore and the world should definitely put an end to it!


Peace reigned supreme again | 9:35 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007

As said im updating my blog now...
HAPPY? offence wad so eva =D...
this weeks EL theme is 'MY MUSIC'...
i wonder why this but anyway its gonna be fun cos it MY music....hehe i ve come across lots of kinds of diff music
vulgar, rap, soothing, rock etc etc and some juz plain idiotic...
some of the examples of song i was introduced to is called...
i wanna f' my seriously LOL
i dun get why ppl actually come up wif such songs but its kinda amusing...
if ur a kuku guy with no f'kin fren oso said that it was kinda DUMB
(okay maybe not kinda dumb but DAM F'KIN DUMB)
even so it still gave quite a no of my other frenz a luff when i told it to them...
here's another one, it was given to me by Ben Hiew from 3f
(he's a nice guy and has quite a gd no of songs some gd some weird and some well..
lets not say it....)
he introduced me to this song called...
i wanna f' u in the a'hole
why is the two songs so similar u ask?
honestly speaking i dun hava clue...=D
i tried listening to it once i found it a little unpleasant
and i neva bothered abt it anymore

now on to my me this is gonna be long
basically i like songs diff frm most in my class i think
songs like japanese and korean but no indian and portugese and stuff liddat
well although i have not a foggiest idea wad in the world they are singing
it juz sounds nice
e.g listen to the song in my blog called 'ignited'(scroll down at the part called 'pilot')
that song is one of my favs
been listening to it foe 2yrs i presume
the song gives u a feeling of desperation to come out on top
cos its a song used in a tv show abt war
and it juz sends a msg to ur brain saying
okay now on to another song
its called 'you dont know'(oso in my blog)
i like this song cos it has a rap part by my most respected rapper
eminem...reason why i like him so f'kin much(this time i have a reason not like the previous lol)
i heard of some history abt him
he's a person wif a broken childhood and finds inspiration in it
thats why some of his albums i find it so deep
oso i find his way of promoting his albums really special
heres how it goes
firstly, he comes up wif a album dat catches everyones interest
(i mean when u come up wif a album wif urself streaking of cos its a attention seeker rite?)
(but of cos its censored...wad were u thinking ....betta go wash ur brain)
then after that he comes up wif a album that does not seek attention but is even betta then his previous, which means it a more serious part of him
then he strikes gold.
o ya one more thing anyone have the movie called 8 mile
or something liddat?
its a movie abt eminem's life and i REALLY WANNA WATCH IT!!!pls?

well to end off this week's post
i juz wanna say that everyone should have a go at all diff kinds of music
diff catergories diff languages and more nad find the music that u truely love
THE END( im all serious again...i hate that...bye)=D

Peace reigned supreme again | 7:35 PM

< My name? >

!Zhi yang!=D

scroll down for music

< Wish >

*Let my parents and brother stay happy for the rest of thier lifes*

< Favs >

1.gundam seed destiny



4.animals i think?

< Despices >

1.ppl who try to act cool

2.actually i try not to hate too many so i ll stop here

< History >

>came from a family of badminton players

>a little racist

January 2007

February 2007

April 2007

June 2007

August 2007

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*class blog*

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